In Canada, law itself is privately owned. As outlined in Deep 6 Diaries,
under Canada’s Manson’s Law, whomever holds copyright assignment
for the text of law owns that law privately and can invoice for each use of
their privately-owned laws.
There are only two known holders of copyright assignment for Canadian laws; the civil
service and PS Knight. Both have invoiced governments for use of their laws. While
civil service invoicing has all been paid, only a handful of PS Knight invoicing has been
paid. Indeed, the outstanding balance owed by Canada is over $5.6 billion USD.
In Canada, contracted collections without registration, even against government, are legal.
As noted in Deep 6 Diaries, PS Knight may issue collections contracts to the public,
“offering anyone with a taste for adventure and a desire to be wealthy the chance to
collect” on the balances owing, within the surprising flexibility of Canadian law.
Expect collections contracts during 2023. Interested parties may sign up for collections
notifications below.
Note: All submissions to this site are confidential, not for publication and are
held under United States jurisdiction, not accessible by the Government of Canada.
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has been received for
collections notifications.
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Your email address
has been received for
collections notifications.
In an effort to suppress publication of Dee6Diaries, just before this site went live the government falsely advised credit card companies that we are engaged in illegal activities. As a result, we are restricted in what we can sell. At present, only the book is available for purchase.